jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

NBA or NFL..... a tough decision

check out this amazing video I found on youtube of............. a basketball player!!!! playing every position you can imagine on a team... the clip is of Allen Iversons High School Football team, he is #10, just look at him go, he could play QB, WR, RB, KR, CB, and still he decided for the NBA and still he is one of the leagues best!

Amazing... for those people who dont know Antonio Gates was the exact opposite, he was a Basketball Stud who decided for Football and look at him now...

Most college athletes are good at several sports and get to a point where they have too choose a career... the last big decision I remember was Brady Quinn's favorite receiver Jeff Samardzija who decided to play baseball after retreating from the NFL draft... and he now plays for the League's second team Tennessee Smokies!!! so you cannot say they always make the best decision, but I guess Iverson did do a smart one...

- the Rookie

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